The RGB background color of the Sxnnnn switches can be programmed by using the 1 byte color command 0x41, the 3 byte color
command 0x42 or for the SD/SE6432 switches only the 9 byte 0x48 command.
The 0x41 command is used for backwards compatibility reasons in legacy systems with 2 bits per color channel with 2
leading zeros for a 00RRGGBB data byte.
The 0x42 command allows for a much larger color spectrum by using 3 bytes, 1 byte each for each RGB channels with the
data byte in 0RRRRRRR 0GGGGGGG 0BBBBBBB format.
The 0x48 command is only available in the SD3624, SE6432 and TE6432 switches with Multi-Sement Color MSC™. The 9 bytes
following the command set the color for 3 RGB segments, although only segments 1 and 2 are used in the current SD, SE and TE switches.
Segment 3 values should be set to 0x00 0x00 0x00.